Front page news in the latest Gruppe News shows ABI's new MRZV 15SD vibrator that was launched at BAUMA a few weeks ago. The new fixed moment vibrator has been developed by ABI specifically for the vibro-displacement market, offering numerous operational and safety benefits.
The vibrator has a hinged joint on the Rapid Docking system to facilitate a quick and safe set up on site. In addition, there is a central passage to allow for the insertion of reinforcement material such as re-bar cages, plastic tubes, wick drains etc. The maximum 15kgm static moment can be decreased to adjust the unit’s performance to suit site specific conditions (ground, probe mass…).
Shown here on an ABI TM13 Mobilram, the base machine can be fitted with an “automated stone column function” which can be utilised to automate column formation across the job site, helping to ensure consistent installation and reduce operator fatigue.
We are pleased to bring you the following images hot off the press, for more information please contact a member of the team by calling 01604 865960.